Why Matcha?

Why Matcha?

6 Reasons why you should drink Matcha.

Illustration of Matchali owners drinking matcha

Discovering matcha has been a gateway to a better, healthier and more productive life for us all at Matchali. If you've never tried matcha, you may wonder how such benefits are possible. Sharing that experience is the whole reason we wanted to bring the matcha rituals to Hong Kong. Here's everything you need to know about matcha and why it's celebrated as one of the most potent superfoods.

Illustration of molecules

What is Matcha?

Let's start with the basics; most people know that matcha is a type of green tea. What you may not know is that unlike regular green tea, matcha is purposefully grown in the shade. Under these conditions, it thrives for 20-30 days before being harvested. This process is crucial; it boosts the amount of chlorophyll in the leaves, giving it its signature green colour, and also increases the amino acid content.

Once harvested, the leaves are grounded into a fine powder. Compared to regular green tea, where leaves are steeped in warm water, drinking matcha allows you to consume 100% of the nutrients found in the leaves. This leads us to our first health benefit, a rich amount of antioxidants.


Matcha powder on top of a matcha drink


The Health Benefits of Drinking Matcha

Brimming with Antioxidants

Matcha contains up to 137 times more antioxidants than your average store-bought green tea and three times as much as high-quality green teas. One cup of matcha has as many antioxidants as 10 cups of green tea. Impressive right? That intake of antioxidants can help curb the harmful effects of free radicals, which damage cells and cause chronic diseases. It also does wonders for skin elasticity and clearing your complexion.


Illustration of incense

Matcha Mellows You Out

Matcha contains L-theanine, these are the amino acids that have helped monks maintain their meditative practices for centuries. It calms the mind and body without making you feel drowsy. A direct result of matcha being grown in the shade, matcha leaves contain more L-theanine than other green teas.



Illustration of a person meditating

Matcha Keeps You Focused For Longer

L-theanine works in harmony with caffeine found in matcha to hone your focus. This means you stay calm, but alert for longer, and you'll never experience the jittery side-effects that come with coffee. A cup of matcha in the morning and you'll be converted. Why? Because matcha contains half the amount of caffeine found in coffee. Still, the presence of L-Theanine helps your body absorb it slowly, giving you 4-6 hours of energy, rather than 1-3 hours you'd get from coffee. The combination of caffeine and L-theanine is said to increase your speed and accuracy when performing tasks. Other studies have shown that it can help improve memory too.

Heart illustration

Matcha Bolsters Your Heart Health

When it comes to muscles, your heart is one that needs the most attention. Matcha has proven to help strengthen the heart, reduce heart-related diseases and is said to lower bad cholesterol. Of course, it should be paired with a balanced diet and an active lifestyle.

Illustration of matcha inside an hourglass

Forget Sports Drinks, Drink Matcha

It may not be the first performance drink that comes to mind, but matcha is an excellent stimulant when it comes to sports. The caffeine can help increase performance and also uses fatty acids in fat tissues to make energy more available, also boosting your metabolism. It's an ideal beverage right before a work out for its energy effects, but also great post-sweat to ease your body into rest mode.

Illustration of two hands together

It Can Help Strengthen Your Bones

Building bone strength may not be top of mind for many people, but it is crucial for fitness and mobility. These two factors become increasingly important with age. Matcha helps to build bone mineral density and can lower the risks of osteoporosis.


Matchali whisk in a bowl

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